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What if ?

What if ...

You had chance to take back what you said?

You had chance to say more?

You could stay?

You could go away?

You had the chance to make things different?

You had the power to make someone feel a certain way about you?

What if they would loved you?

What if you would loved them?

What if you said ,, I love you. '' more? What if they actually loved you and cared for you? What if you said ,, Yes. '' ? What if you said ,, No'' ?

Would you do anything differently if you could go back? None of it matters now, does it?

You are who you are thanks to those decisions. Thanks to those spoken or unspoken words. Thanks to your actions.

Be proud of who you've became.

Accept the past, live now, and get ready for the future, it's not going to get easier

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